

Sustainability is an important part of our business

At Virtune, sustainability is a crucial factor for us, and we strive to align our business strategy with sustainability efforts. In a world where the digital economy is rapidly evolving, we are determined to lead the way in offering environmentally responsible and climate-compensated exchange traded crypto products.

Virtune's vision is clear: to revolutionize the crypto landscape by integrating sustainability and climate-related issues into every aspect of our business. We understand the pressing challenges of environmental impact and energy consumption associated with certain cryptocurrencies. That's why we have made it our mission not only to provide innovative and sophisticated crypto products but also to minimize the environmental footprint of our operations and products.

Certification - Sustainability in the Financial Industry

Virtune sets high standards for all its executive team members in terms of competence and knowledge regarding sustainability-related issues. Therefore, Virtune has chosen Finanskompetens as the provider of the certification below, which all executive team members undergo at the beginning of their employment:

Certification - Sustainability in the Financial Industry

The goal of the above certification is to create awareness and make Virtune's executive team members aware of the activities required to achieve a transition to a sustainable future. To efficiently achieve this transition, knowledge of regulations and climate goals, initiatives, and a commitment from all employees to make the company more sustainable are necessary, which Virtune always strives for.

Climate Partner logo


Virtune arbeitet mit ClimatePartner Schweden AB für unsere Klimakompensationsbemühungen zusammen. Wir kompensieren jährlich in einem Wert, der einem festgelegten Anteil unseres gesamten verwalteten Kapitals entspricht, durch Investitionen in ein diversifiziertes Portfolio von Projekten im Bereich erneuerbare Energien, soziale Auswirkungen und naturbasierte Projekte. Dieser Prozentsatz unseres verwalteten Vermögens wird jährlich überprüft und an die aktuellen Bedingungen angepasst. Diese Projekte sind im Einklang mit den 17 Nachhaltigkeitszielen der Vereinten Nationen und erfüllen unter anderem den Gold Standard und den Verified Carbon Standard.

KategorieTechnologieStandortWeitere Informationen
Naturbasierte LösungenUnterstützte natürliche RegenerationÄthiopien