

Virtune AB (Publ) launches Virtune Avalanche ETP on Nasdaq Stockholm

Stockholm, July 4, 2024 - Virtune, a Swedish regulated digital asset manager, today announced the launch of Virtune Avalanche ETP on Nasdaq Stockholm, the largest stock exchange in the Nordic region.

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Virtune AB (Publ) is launching Virtune XRP ETP on Nasdaq Stockholm

Stockholm, July 2, 2024 - Virtune, a Swedish regulated digital asset manager, is announcing the launch of Virtune XRP ETP on Nasdaq Stockholm, the largest stock exchange in the Nordic region. 

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Virtune AB (Publ) ("Virtune") has completed the monthly rebalancing for June 2024 of its Virtune Crypto Top 10 Index ETP, the first crypto index ETP in the Nordics.

Stockholm, 1st of July 2024 - Today Virtune announces that it has finalized its monthly rebalancing for Virtune Crypto Top 10 Index ETP, listed on Nasdaq Stockholm for both the SEK-denominated (ISIN code SE0020052207, ticker name VIR10SEK) and the EUR-denominated (ISIN code SE0020052215, ticker name VIR10EUR) ETP.

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Pensionsfonder och Bitcoin ETF:er: Nya Horisonter för kryptomarknaden

Under de senaste Ären har pensionsfonder börjat utforska investeringsmöjligheter inom kryptotillgÄngar, vilket markerar ett betydande skifte i hur finansiella institutioner ser pÄ digitala tillgÄngar. En av de mest noterbara utvecklingarna Àr introduktionen av Bitcoin-baserade börsnoterade fonder (ETF:er), vilka erbjuder en ny vÀg för institutionella investeringar i kryptotillgÄngar. 

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Ethereum 2024 – En ny era med Dencunuppdateringen och potentiella ETF:er

Lanserad 2015 av Vitalik Buterin och andra medgrundare, Àr det nu en av de ledande digitala plattformarna som möjliggör skapandet och driften av decentraliserade applikationer (dApps) och decentraliserade finansiella tjÀnster (DeFi) utan behov av mellanhÀnder. Ethereum skiljer sig frÄn Bitcoin genom sin förmÄga att utföra smarta kontrakt, vilka Àr sjÀlvexekverande kontrakt med villkoren direkt skrivna i kod.

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Nordens första kryptoindex-produkt tillgÀnglig via ditt ISK

Nordens första kryptoindex-produkt tillgÀnglig via ditt ISK I en tid dÀr kryptotillgÄngar fÄr allt större betydelse erbjuder Virtune Crypto Top 10 Index en spÀnnande möjlighet för investerare att fÄ en bred kryptoexponering. Denna unika börshandlade produkt, som Àr noterad pÄ Nasdaq Stockholm, ger exponering mot upp till tio ledande kryptovalutor, vilket gör den till ett attraktivt alternativ för bÄde nybörjare och erfarna investerare.

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Vad Àr en Bitcoin ETF

Innan vi djupdyker i vad en Bitcoin ETF Àr, lÄt oss först gÄ igenom hur en ETF fungerar. ETF stÄr för Exchange Traded Fund, vilket Àr en typ av investeringsfond som handlas pÄ börsen, precis som aktier. En ETF Àger underliggande tillgÄngar (som aktier, obligationer, guld, eller till och med Bitcoin) och delar upp Àgarskapet i dessa tillgÄngar i andelar som investerare kan köpa och sÀlja. Det fantastiska med ETF:er Àr att de kan kombinera fördelarna med diversifiering av en fond med det enkla sÀttet att handla, lika enkelt som en aktie.

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Bitcoin ETFerna i USA:s pÄverkan för Bitcoin framÄt

Enligt en rapport frÄn JMP Securities kan spot Bitcoin ETF:erna (alltsÄ börshandlade fonder) i USA, som godkÀndes den 10 januari i Är, bevittna inflöden pÄ hela 220 miljarder dollar under de kommande tre Ären. Denna prognos pekar mot en potentiell fyrfaldig ökning av Bitcoin priset till 280 000 dollar, baserat pÄ effekten av nya kapitalinflöden. Kryptobörsen Coinbase bedöms stÄ i en sÀrskilt fördelaktig position för att dra nytta av dessa vÀxande inflöden.

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Regulatory press release 2024–04–18

On April 18, 2024, the annual general meeting of Virtune AB (publ) was held and below is a summary of the decisions that were made:

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How high can Bitcoin go?

In March 2024, Bitcoin made history again by breaking its previous record of $69,044.77 from November 2021, surpassing even $70,000 – something that many crypto skeptics, including JPMorgan's Jamie Dimon, did not foresee. However, on March 12, Bitcoin hovered around $72,000, up a staggering 224% over the past year, 63% since the start of the year, and 52% in the last month. To put this into perspective, that's an increase of 1,704% over the past five years, according to data from Google Finance.

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Virtune AB (Publ) is launching Virtune Staked Solana ETP and Virtune Staked Polygon ETP on Nasdaq Stockholm

Virtune, a Swedish regulated digital asset manager is announcing the launch of two new innovative and highly anticipated crypto ETPs, Virtune Staked Solana ETP and Virtune Staked Polygon ETP, on Nasdaq Stockholm

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Bitcoin nÄr all time high och Bitcoin halveringen Àr runt hörnet

Bitcoin skapades 2009 av en person eller grupp som gick under pseudonymen Satoshi Nakamoto. En av de grundlÀggande principerna i Bitcoins design Àr en begrÀnsad total tillgÄng pÄ 21 miljoner coins. För att nÄ detta mÄl infördes halveringen som en del av kryptovalutans monetÀra policy. Den första halveringen intrÀffade 2012, följt av ytterligare halveringar 2016 och 2020. Vid varje halvering minskas blockbelöningarna som sÄ kallade Bitcoin-miners mottar för sitt arbete med att sÀkra nÀtverket och bearbeta transaktioner. Bitcoin miners Àr individer eller företag som anvÀnder specialiserad hÄrdvara för att lösa komplexa matematiska problem, en process som krÀvs för att verifiera och registrera Bitcoin-transaktioner. Genom att göra detta bidrar de till nÀtverkets sÀkerhet och funktion.

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Hur handlar man Bitcoin?

Ett tillvÀgagÄngssÀtt för att investera i Bitcoin Àr att göra detta via en kryptobörs, till exempel Coinbase eller Kraken, Det innebÀr att du mÄste skapa ett nytt konto och kanske Àven ladda ner en app, för vissa kan detta upplevas lite omstÀndigt och tidskrÀvande.

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Virtune launches Solana and Polygon ETPs

The Swedish company Virtune announced today the launch of two innovative and highly sought-after crypto ETPs, Virtune Staked Solana ETP and Virtune Staked Polygon ETP, on Nasdaq Stockholm. Nasdaq Stockholm, often referred to as the Stockholm Stock Exchange, is the largest exchange in the Nordic region.

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Virtune AB (Publ) successfully renews its EU Base Prospectus for crypto ETP issuance under EU regulations and publishes 2024 Base Prospectus

Virtune, a regulated Swedish issuer of crypto Exchange Traded Products (ETPs), is proud to announce that it has renewed its EU Base Prospectus on April 5, 2024.

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Virtune AB (Publ) ("Virtune") has completed the monthly rebalancing for March 2024 of its Virtune Crypto Top 10 Index ETP, the first crypto index ETP in the Nordics

Virtune AB (Publ) ("Virtune") has completed the monthly rebalancing for March 2024 of its Virtune Crypto Top 10 Index ETP, the first crypto index ETP in the Nordics.

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Kallelse till ÄrsstÀmma i Virtune AB

Kallelse till ÄrsstÀmma i Virtune AB

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Virtune AB (Publ) ("Virtune") has completed the monthly rebalancing for February 2024 of its Virtune Crypto Top 10 Index ETP, the first crypto index ETP in the Nordics("Virtune") has completed the monthly rebalancing for February 2024 of its Virtune Crypto Top 10 Index ETP, the first crypto index ETP in the Nordics

Virtune AB (Publ) ("Virtune") has completed the monthly rebalancing for February 2024 of its Virtune Crypto Top 10 Index ETP, the first crypto index ETP in the Nordics.

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Safety in a volatile market: Our 100% physically backed ETPs listed on Nasdaq Stockholm

In times when crypto assets are becoming increasingly accepted by the broader financial industry and new players are continuously establishing themselves, investors are looking for exposure to the crypto market that can offer both security and growth potential. This is where our products differentiate from other alternatives.

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Invest easily in up to 10 cryptocurrencies with Virtune Crypto Top 10 Index ETP

In the dynamic world of digital assets, Virtune Crypto Top 10 Index ETP presents a unique opportunity for investors. This Exchange-Traded Product (ETP) is not only an innovative way to gain exposure to the cryptocurrency market but also offers a secure and cost-effective way to access up to ten leading cryptocurrencies.

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Virtune Staked Ethereum ETP - What does the included staking mean?

This Exchange Traded Product (ETP) offers a unique advantage in being physically backed, meaning that each share in the ETP is directly linked to a share of Ethereum stored with our custodian Coinbase. This differs from other financial products that may be synthetically structured and therefore do not require holding the underlying asset.

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Virtune discloses its public Bitcoin wallet address as an additional step towards increased transparency with its Virtune Bitcoin ETP

Virtune has announced its commitment to market transparency by disclosing its Bitcoin holdings and wallet address.

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Virtune AB (Publ) ("Virtune") has completed the monthly rebalancing for January 2024 of its Virtune Crypto Top 10 Index ETP, the first crypto index ETP in the Nordics

Virtune AB (Publ) ("Virtune") has completed the monthly rebalancing for January 2024 of its Virtune Crypto Top 10 Index ETP, the first crypto index ETP in the Nordics.

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Virtune AB (Publ) is launching Virtune Staked Polkadot ETP and Virtune Arbitrum ETP on Nasdaq Stockholm

Stockholm, January 10th, 2024 - Virtune, a Swedish regulated digital asset manager in Sweden is announcing the launch of two new innovative and sought-after crypto ETPs, Virtune Staked Polkadot ETP and Virtune Arbitrum ETP, on Nasdaq Stockholm.

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Virtune AB (Publ) ('Virtune') has completed the monthly rebalancing for December 2023 of the Virtune Crypto Top 10 Index ETP, the first crypto index ETP in the Nordics

Stockholm, 4th of January 2024 - Virtune announces today that it has finalized its monthly rebalancing for Virtune Crypto Top 10 Index ETP, listed on Nasdaq Stockholm for both the SEK-denominated (ISIN code SE0020052207, ticker name VIR10SEK) and the EUR-denominated (ISIN code SE0020052215, ticker name (VIR10EUR) ETP.

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Virtune AB (Publ) ("Virtune") has completed the monthly rebalancing for November 2023 of its Virtune Crypto Top 10 Index ETP, the first crypto index ETP in the Nordics.

Virtune AB (Publ) ("Virtune") has completed the monthly rebalancing for November 2023 of its Virtune Crypto Top 10 Index ETP, the first crypto index ETP in the Nordics.

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Virtune AB (Publ) is launching Virtune Chainlink ETP on Nasdaq Stockholm

Virtune, a Swedish regulated digital asset manager in Sweden is launching a new innovative crypto ETP on Nasdaq Stockholm, the largest stock exchange in the Nordic region. Today, Virtune is announcing the introduction of Virtune Chainlink ETP, providing exposure to Chainlink through a proven and well established financial instrument with a 100% physically backed structure.

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Virtune introduces a carbon neutral Bitcoin ETP in the German market

Stuttgart, 22nd November 2023 - Virtune AB (Publ), a regulated crypto ETP ("Exchange Traded Product") issuer, based in Stockholm, Sweden, is pleased to announce the admission of Virtune Bitcoin ETP in the German market on Boerse Stuttgart.

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Virtune AB (Publ) (“Virtune”) har genomfört den mĂ„natliga rebalanseringen för oktober 2023 av Virtune Crypto Top 10 Index ETP, Nordens första kryptoindex-ETP

Virtune meddelar idag att man har slutfört den mÄnatliga rebalanseringen för Virtune Crypto Top 10 Index ETP SEK / EUR.

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Virtune introduces an innovative staked Ethereum ETP into the German market

Stuttgart, 28th of September 2023 - Virtune, a regulated crypto ETP ("Exchange Traded Product") issuer, based in Stockholm Sweden, is pleased to announce the admission of the Virtune Staked Ethereum ETP into the German market on Boerse Stuttgart.

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Virtune AB (Publ) is launching Virtune Sustainable Bitcoin ETP on Nasdaq Stockholm

Virtune, a Swedish regulated asset manager of digital assets in Sweden, is launching an innovative Bitcoin ETP ("Exchange Traded Product") on Nasdaq Stockholm in the race to reduce emissions, consumption, and environmental impacts. Today, Virtune is introducing Virtune Sustainable Bitcoin ETP, offering sustainable exposure to Bitcoin through carbon offsetting to achieve carbon neutrality.

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Virtune AB (Publ) ("Virtune") has completed the monthly rebalancing for August 2023 of its Virtune Crypto Top 10 Index ETP, the first crypto index ETP in the Nordics.

Virtune announces today that it has finalized the monthly rebalancing for its Virtune Crypto Top 10 Index ETP

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Virtune AB (Publ) ingÄr samarbete med Sveriges Unga Aktiesparares Riksförbund

Stockholm, 25 augusti 2023 - Virtune, en svensk reglerad kapitalförvaltare av digitala tillgÄngar i Sverige, har idag ingÄtt ett samarbete med Sveriges Unga Aktiesparares Riksförbund (Unga Aktiesparare).

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HalvÄrsrapport 2023 Virtune

Första halvÄret av 2023 har varit en mycket hÀndelserik period pÄ Virtune, prÀglad av betydande framsteg i linje med vÄr affÀrsplan och vÄr vision om att bli den ledande kapitalförvaltaren för digitala tillgÄngar i Norden...

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Virtune AB (Publ) is launching Virtune Staked Ethereum ETP SEK on Nasdaq Stockholm

Virtune, a Swedish regulated digital asset manager in Sweden is launching a new innovative staking ETP on Nasdaq Stockholm, the largest stock exchange in the Nordic region. Today, Virtune is announcing the introduction of Virtune Staked Ethereum ETP SEK, providing exposure to Ethereum combined with the benefits of staking.

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Virtune AB (Publ) has completed the monthly rebalancing for July 2023 of its Virtune Crypto Top 10 Index ETP, the first crypto index ETP in the Nordics

Virtune AB (Publ) ("Virtune") announced today that it has finalized the monthly rebalancing for the Virtune Crypto Top 10 Index ETP

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Virtune Enters The German Market With Euro Denominated Admission Of Its Crypto Index ETP

Virtune Enters The German Market With Euro Denominated Admission Of Its Crypto Index ETP

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Virtune introduces the first crypto index Exchange Traded Product (“ETP”) on Nasdaq Stockholm on Monday 15th of May, Virtune Crypto Top 10 Index ETP (VIR10)

Virtune, the first regulated digital asset manager in Sweden to launch crypto ETPs on Nasdaq Stockholm, the largest stock exchange in the Nordic region, has announced the introduction of the innovative crypto basket index ETP. The ETP will be listed on Monday 15th of May and offers exposure to up to 10 leading cryptocurrencies in one single product, pioneering the crypto offer in the Nordic market.

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Virtune AB (Publ) (“Virtune”) receives approval as a new issuer on Nasdaq Stockholm for issuing crypto Exchange Traded Products (“ETPs”).

Virtune, a regulated digital asset manager and issuer of crypto Exchange Traded Products (“ETPs”) based in Sweden, has successfully obtained approval from Nasdaq Stockholm to become a new issuer of crypto ETPs.

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Sweden lands it’s first physically backed multi-asset crypto ETP

Virtune, the Swedish regulated digital asset manager, announces that it will admit to listing the first physically backed multi-asset crypto ETP on Nasdaq Stockholm.

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Virtune AB (Publ) (“Virtune”) receives approval of its EU Base Prospectus under the EU prospectus regulation for the issuance of crypto Exchange Traded Products (“ETP”)

Virtune a fully regulated Swedish digital asset manager and crypto ETP issuer, is pleased to announce that it has received approval from the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority (FSA) on its EU Base Prospectus on 5th April. This milestone achievement gives Virtune the ability to admit to listing ETPs on regulated markets of stock exchanges throughout the European financial landscape.

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Virtune fÄr ansökan godkÀnd hos Finansinspektionen

Den 22 november 2022 godkÀnde Finansinspektionen Virtunes ansökan för registrering som Finansiellt Institut av Finansinspektionen. Christopher Kock, vd Virtune, kommenterar Finansinspektionens beslut:

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Virtune expanderar genom ny senior rekrytering

Virtune expanderar företagsledningen genom ny senior rekrytering.

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